Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oh Glorious Day

As you can tell I have the most precious friends/sisters ever! This weekend was too fun.. Vestavia pep rally and game, doodles, smoothies on the roof, carving pumpkins, caramel apples, and Alabama football. Super eventful and I'm super tired. I'm in the middle of working on my English paper due Thursday while watching the Food Network? Good combo. It makes me want to cook.. too bad I'm a horrible cook. Officially decided that this season is my absolute favorite. Like September through January are just the BEST. My daddy may kill me for the next thing I say, but my mother will love it. Good thing he doesn't read this. But mama you do so after you laugh for a little bit you'll probably show daddy and I'll get a call that goes something like this "Gorillahead why are you embarrassing me on the internet?" Anyways, today at church our observant family notices my dad has put on two different shoes. One black, one brown. Really embarrassing, really noticeable. It pretty much made my day. Later at lunch he decided that every October 24th is opposite shoe day (his favorite holiday) and we all missed the memo. Speaking of the date.. Happy 51st Anniversary to my Mawmaw and Papa!! Okay, back to homework. Passing college is a must.

Glorious Day by Jeff Johnson

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