Thursday, September 30, 2010

amazing love

I love it when God slowly reveals something to me. It started at the Well. I started asking myself the question.. what do I do with my days? Am I living each day simply loving God and making appropriate decisions? Or am I using my days to further His Kingdom. To be a light. The questions captured my thoughts the rest of the night. Then tonight at Unashamed, the Lord showed me again how much He needed His children to GO and be his hands and feet. All through scripture we know that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to help the hurt and lonely. In Matthew he says that whatever we did for the least of these we did for Him. Sidenote- I began reading Matthew and kind of wondered why I was. I thought, this is kind of cliche to start with the first book of the New Testament. But God had such a plan in it. It has been the biggest blessing.. it's so great to see God work through something that seems so simple. Anyways, while the past couple of weeks God has been really working on my heart to have full dependence on Him, He's also beginning to show me that my walk with Him isn't all about myself. It's about the ones who still need to be saved by His grace that I am called to reach. So while the Lord wants me drawing near to Him, we are also called to make disciples of the nations. My prayer is that the Lord will give me boldness and strength and courage to stand for Him and reach the lost and broken in our desperate generation.

I know in my head or during a service, my role in this life seems so clear. To serve and live for Jesus. And everything in me desires it. But how easy is it to act out of our flesh and live for this world.. very. So I'll claim it everyday.. I'm sinful and mess up all the time. But what my heart ultimately longs for is Jesus. Because He is the only true and perfect thing. And He loves me through my wretchedness. Hallelujah.

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