Monday, April 25, 2011

Whiter Than Snow

Happy day after Easter! My Savior lives!! I love Easter time. It's been such a fresh reminder of who my God is. Of how good He is. And how desperate I am for Him. My mama got me a book called "Whiter Than Snow" for Easter. My roommates had it laying around the dorm and I started flipping through it one day. I told my mom about it, and that brings me to now. I've only been through the first few pages but a section really caught my attention.. especially in this time of reflecting on the mercy of my Savior. The book is by Paul David Tripp and is only $12.99 (:

"I come to the Lord with only one appeal, his mercy. I've no other defense. I've no other standing. I've no other hope. I can't escape the reality of my biggest problem- me! So I appeal to the one thing in my life that's sure and will never fail. I appeal to the one thing that guaranteed not only my acceptance with God, but the hope of new beginnings and fresh starts. I appeal on the basis of the greatest gift I ever have or ever will be given. I leave the courtroom of my own defense, I come out of hiding, and I admit who I am. But I'm not afraid, because I've been personally and eternally blessed. Because of what Jesus did, God looks on  me with mercy. It's my only appeal; it's the source of my hope; it's my life. Mercy, mercy me!"

Psalm 51:1
"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions."

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