Where to start? The past month at the ranch has been so full of the Lord. Highs and lows. Lessons learned. Surrendering. I have been journalling every day the past four weeks. Prayers, insight, verses. Anything the Lord lays on my heart. The best way for me to describe my time at the ranch so far is to post excerpts from my journal. Here we go..
May 24, 2011
Lord you have ordained this from the beginning. I have been overwhelmed by your grace. A slight understanding of your grace. It is unchanging, your love. It is finished. And I've experienced such freedom in that! I began this summer open to recieve, I surrended all and now I am feasting. I am learning, I am hearing your voice, I am done with contentment, I have a new mind, a new understanding. The questioning is gone. I live with life and joy because I have been redeemed. I am holy because you say so.
June 4, 2011
I started off my day in the office doing my bible study on David. Today's lesson was on 1 Samuel 22:6-23. It is all about Saul finding out where Davis is by his servant, Doeg. It's a crazy scene after that, with Saul having Doeg kill the priests. Saul had no reverence for God. He acted out of jealousy and hate. We see David's reaction in Psalm 52. David vents to the Lord about his enemy but also trusts that the Lord will handle it. I love David. I want the heart that will say this in times of trouble: "But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever. I will praise you forever for what you have done; In your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints." Pslam 52:8-9. He wrote this psalm in reaction to Doeg telling Saul where he was. Really? In the midst of terror, he hopes in the Lord. He trusts in Him. He praises Him. I want a heart like that. I want the Lord to be the song I sing all day long. "In the face of unimaginable horror, we must cast our imaginations on Christ, our only hope. His word will be our anchor when our faith is tossed like waves." When the world is disappointing me, when tragedy seems too much to bear.. I turn to the Lord. He's the sustainer. His love, His word, His grace is sufficient. I love Lamentations 3:22-33. The Lord knows what is best for us. He knows when to break us and how much we can bear. But he won't overtake us. "His compassion never fails". He is close to the weak and brokenhearted. We won't be tempted beyond what we can bear. Stand on the promises of the Lord. Cling to them. And I will have a steadfast heart, like David's.
June 5, 2011
1 Samuel 23
David is on the run from Saul. He's afraid. So he seeks the Lord. he asks him questions. He trusts him. But along the way, as he runs, his fear grows. So the Lord sends him Jonathan, a friend, to encourage him. How desperately do we need a friend like Jonathan? Someone to step in and redirect your focus from the flesh to the Redeemer. And how much do we need to be a friend like Jonathan? Encouraging a friend in the Lord. Seeking their best. Wanting them to excel higher than you because you see where the Lord has called them. David was reminded of the Lord's faithfulness. The Lord had always been with him. Through trials and suffering, the Lord works in us. He hasn't forsaken you, He's teaching you. He's refining you to go where He has called you. So remember. Remember how faithful he has been. "Remember the height from which you have fallen!" Revelation 2:5. Remember how sufficient his grace is. Where has he brought you and where is he taking you? "For the word of the Lord is right and true, he is faithful in all he does." Psalm 33:4. Follow the example of David: Inquire of the Lord. Because He's the author. He holds the pen. He knows your triumphs and your failures. And he has them perfectly planned out for your good. Just like He knew the best for David in Saul's pursuit. The same God. Yesterday, today, forever.
June 8, 2011
"God has not forgotten. He has seen your battles. He has gathered your tears and blotted your brow. He knows those who have treated you unfairly. He knows when you're almost ready to give up or give in. Keep telling Him. Stay in His word. Keep claiming His promises"
Beth Moore
Psalm 1
I want to be like a tree planted by a tree. To constantly be filled up. Filled from the roots so I'll grow. Strong, healthy. Bearing fruit. I'll prosper when I walk in the counsel of the Lord. When I meditate on Him and His word. Stay far from evil and close to goodness. When we cling to the Lord, we are made strong. He watches over the righteous. He has made me righteous! Thank you for the blood Lord! That washed me white has snow. That doesn't cover me but cleanses me.
June 9, 2011
Last night Bigtop was so great! Woship amazes me. I sat back and watched for a song. I saw freedom. I saw people lifting their hands in desperation and out of overflow. They'd been set free. They'd experienced God's grace! They'd tasted and seen something good. They'd realized the work on the cross was finished. That they were free, made righteous. They had an Abba, daddy. They were sons and daughters of the king. They feasted at the king's table! And after the talk, you were there at the haybales, Lord. To meet the broken where they were. Your spirit is so sweet. Brokeness is so sweet.
June 15, 2011
In order to hear God or for God to move, I must call on Him. I must pray. Present my requests to God. How will I know it's Him if I don't ask Him to move? Call upon His name. We are saved once we CALL upon him. "The same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him." Romans 10:12
Well, I just reread a lot of my journal. There are highs and lows. There are triumphs and failures. All to the glory of God. For He is perfecting His daughter. All in all, I desire a
steadfast heart to the Lord.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28.